Coffee Jelly With Bulacan Inipit
By Kwentong Kusina Kwentong Buhay
270 gms Unflavored Alsa Gulaman
1 liter Water
5 pack San Mig Coffee super packs (3 in 1)
10 pcs Bulacan Inipit, cut into small cubes (Eurobake)
1 cup Peanut or pili nut brittle, crumbled
5 Tbsp Magnolia all-purpose cream, chilled
5 scoop Magnolia Ice cream (vanilla)
1 tbsp San Mig Coffee powder
5 sprig Mint leaves
1. In a sauce pan, combine gulaman powder and water. Simmer over low heat.
2. Add San Mig coffee super packs and dissolve in liquid.
3. Pour mixture into a plastic container and chill to set. When set, cut chilled coffee jelly into ½ inch cubes.
4. Just before serving, alternately arrange coffee jelly in a clear glass container with Inipit, nut brittle and all purpose cream. Top with Magnolia ice cream, dust with coffee powder and garnish with mint leaves.
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