Wow na Wow Kilaw Recipe
by Chef Boy Logro
Kilaw Lapu-Lapu:
1 kilo lapu-lapu fillet, sliced thinly
2 cups vinegar
1 cup calamansi juice
1 pc. white onion, julienne
1 pc. cucumber, julienne
1 pc. green bell pepper, (finely julienne)
2 pcs. red bell pepper, (finely julienne)
2 pcs. dayap slices
2 pcs. siling pangsigang
100 grms. ginger (julienne by mandolin)
50 grms. chopped siling labuyo
1 tbsp. salt
1 tsp. white pepper
Kilaw Lato Salad:
1 kilo green seaweeds (lato)
1 cup calamansi juice
2 pcs. red onion, julienne
2 pcs. tomato, julienne
2 pcs. cucumber, julienne by mandolin
2 pcs. U.S. lemon for garnish
2 pcs. Siling labuyo
1 pc. green mango, julienne by mandolin
100 grms. ginger, julienne
1 tbsp. salt
1 tsp. white pepper
1. Marinate fish fillet in vinegar for 5 minutes, then squeeze using cheese cloth.
2. Place into mixing bowl, add in calamansi juice, salt, white pepper, cucumber, ginger, green and red bell pepper, siling labuyo and siling pansigang.
3. Toss slowly, then place on salad plate. Garnish with slices of dayap.
4. For Lato Salad, blanch the green seaweeds, then soak in ice water, and strain.
5. Combine all ingredients except U.S lemon. Season to taste.
6. Arrange on salad plate. Garnish with slices of U.S lemon.
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