Broken Glass
Prepared during Dessert Heat
Junior MasterChef Pinoy Edition
by Judel Bautista
Gulaman (Gelatin)
Food coloring-red,yellow,green
All purpose cream
Condensed milk
Fruit cocktail (drained)
White sugar
Orange (for plating)
1. Using a pan, boil water with gulaman. Add white sugar when mixture is boiling.
2. When consistency is thick enough, equally distribute to three containers and add food color.
3. Set aside for Gulaman to harden.
4. Cut hardened Gulaman into small cubes and place into a container. Add Fruit cocktail with the gulaman.
5. Prepare and boil another set of Gulaman. Add all purpose cream and condesned milk when mixture is already boiling.
6. When thick enough, pour Gulaman into the colored gulaman and fruitcocktail mixture. Layer.
7. Set aside to harden.
8. Serve with oranges on the side (cut into 8 pieces)
PrevoiusChicken Adobo Roulade
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